Dancing With An Octopus – How to Stop Telling and Start Coaching
Benedict J Larkey, is an an international, award winning facilitator and executive coach.
Using the Octopus metaphor, Ben playfully recognises and explores the challenges of working with people with different behaviour and characteristics.
Harnessing a person’s potential, experience and skill is like trying to wrestle an Octopus. Which issue, or in this case, tentacle do you target first?
‘Dancing With An Octopus’ provides a memorable and insightful way to apply an adaptable ‘dancing’ coaching method to drive change, improve performance and achieve results.
Benedict J Larkey is an international, award-winning facilitator and executive coach.
He has extensive experience in working with CEO’S of large and medium companies through his development of business programs and facilitation of strategic workshops over the last 25 years. Ben is also the creator of Issues Based Learning™ for professional and personal training.
What if we stopped thinking that telling someone what to do is good communication?
What telling really does is demotivates, stifles innovation, removes ownership, kills accountability and worse – You are doing all the work!
This book will enable you to stop telling and start coaching. Coaching is the process and skill of asking questions. Coaching creates energy, gets clarity and can inspire others to do things better. Those questions become more powerful when they are placed in an order and sequence to create a flow. That flow is like a dance.
‘Dancing with an Octopus’ is mindset and method to becoming a successful coach.
Using the Octopus metaphor, Ben playfully recognises and explores the challenges of working with people with different behaviours and characteristics. Harnessing a person’s potential, experience and skill is like trying to dancing with an Octopus.
How to change behaviour and performance by asking not telling.
How thinking of coaching as a dance will harness the talent, potential, and confidence of those around you in a responsive and fun way.
How seeing your team member as an Octopus with tentacles to untangle allows you to concentrate on solving one tentacle at a time and allows you to be adaptable and inspiring.
How Five Critical Coaching Moments™ have a greater positive impact on other people and be far more challenging of behaviour and performance, in a shorter period of time.
How listening skilfully to create a sequence of question will enable others to have the clarity solve their own challenges and solutions, while increasing engagement.
Why telling less and coaching more can drive accountability and performance.
Dancing with an Octopus will:
Explode the myth that to get things done you need to be ‘telling’ people what to do.
Challenge your mindset and beliefs about leadership, accountability and coaching.
Show you how can get more from people by ‘telling ‘ less and coaching more.
Provide a practical guide to using Five Critical Coaching Moments™and a powerful sequence of connected questions to build self-motivated people.